PC PAL - Watford

Computer Repair and Maintenance Services

 1 to 1 training, Computer Healthcheck, computer maintenance, computer repair, computer servicing, computer setup, computer support, computer troubleshooting, data recovery, hardware and software

PC PAL - Watford

23 Flecker Close, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 3LX  (Show me directions)

020 809...Landline    Landline   

  Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 19:00 , Saturday: 09:00 to 17:00 , Sunday: 10:00 to 16:00



pcpal.co.uk   PcPalWatford   @pcpal   @PcWatfordTech   +SeanForsterpwt   view  

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Providing local computing services and support in Stanmore, Watford and surrounding areas.

PC PAL provides local computing services and support to homes and small businesses in Stanmore, Watford and surrounding areas. At a time that's convenient to you.

15+ years industry experience. Microsoft and CompTIA certified. CRB vetted. All types of computing issues are tackled including virus removal, hardware and software problems, laptop screen replacement, new machine installations, online backup, training and more.

If you have a computing problem that requires attention, or you'd just like a computer health check carried out, then please call. Contactable 7 days a week.


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